
Showing posts from December, 2019

How to Prepare Rate Analysis for P.C.C. Work

Q. Prepare Rate  analysis  for a PCC work (1:3:6). Sol n .:-              Given: -  Concrete grade = M10 (1:3:6)                                           Take = 10m 3  volume for PCC Add 52% extra for voids to get dry vol m . of Concrete. Volume of dry concrete = 1.52×10                                                    = 15.2 m 3 Quantity of cement = (15.2/(1+3+6)   ) ×1              ...


A.Requirement of materials B. Cost ofmaterials Sr. No. Material Unit Quantity Rate Amount 1. 2. C. Cost oflabours Sr. No. Labour Men Rate Per(Day) Amount 1. 2. D. Total cost of Labour & Materials = B+C Add 1.5% Water Charges = 1.5 % × (B+C) Add 10% Contractor Charges = 10 % × (B+C)           ­                                                 ___________________________________ ...


Schedule of rates or list of rates of different items is made after the analysis of rates of these items. This type of document is called the schedule of rates or S.O.R. It is made by large concerns or public bodies. It becomes very helpful, particularly in deciding the rate of an extra item, carried out by the contractor. A schedule of rates for each kind of work is maintained by the various engineering department or authorized organizations in the form of a printed books called "Schedule of Rate Books".       Propertiesof SOR/CSR:- 1. Schedule of rates includes the rate of wages of labour, rate per unit of different items of work and materials, and rates of transport and it also consists of groups of items like excavation items, demolishing items, brickwork items concrete items, etc. 2. As the rates of items noted in the schedule of rates are likely to vary. 3. The schedule of rates is regularly updated, generally after three years. 4. I...


Centre line Method In Centre line method, the length of Centre line is calculated & it is used for calculating the quantities of different items. In this method, the length will remain same for excavation in foundation, for concrete in foundation, for all footings & for superstructure. This method is simple & rapid, but it needs special attention & consideration at the junctions, meeting points of the cross or partition walls etc. This method is quite simple for rectangular, circular & polygonal buildings having no inner or cross walls. PROCEDURE:-                                                                        ...


Long Wall &Short Wall or 'Out-to-Out and In-to-In' Method In this method, the longer walls in a building are taken as long walls & calculated from out-to-out & the partition or shorter walls which make the right angle with the long walls are taken as short walls and are calculated from in-to-in for a particular layer of work. To calculate the quantities multiplying the lengths of long & short walls by the breadth & the height of wall. These lengths of long and short walls differ in each layer of footing. PROCEDURE:- 1. Prepare the foundation plan shown in fig. with all dimensions. Centre-to-Centre dimensions are taken out by adding half width of each cross wall to inner dimension of room. 2. Now divide the walls into two groups. In plan, walls in the horizontal direction are called Long walls & vertical direction walls are called Short walls & Vice-Versa. 3. Measure the length of long wall for an item by using formula- Length ...