How to Prepare Rate Analysis for P.C.C. Work

Q. Prepare Rate  analysis  for a PCC work (1:3:6). Sol n .:-              Given: -  Concrete grade = M10 (1:3:6)                                           Take = 10m 3  volume for PCC Add 52% extra for voids to get dry vol m . of Concrete. Volume of dry concrete = 1.52×10                                                    = 15.2 m 3 Quantity of cement = (15.2/(1+3+6)   ) ×1              ...

Basic Detail Of Foundation | Different Elements Of Building |

Foundation:- The lowest part of building, which located below the ground level and which transmit the loads of the structure to the ground are known as Foundations. 

Types of Foundation:-  

 Foundation may be broadly classified into two categories -
     1. Shallow foundation
     2. Deep foundation

Shallow foundation:- Shallow foundation are made by making open excavation.
In shallow foundation 
                                          D < B      
     D = Depth of foundation
     B = Width of foundation

1. Isolated/Column footing
2. Wall footing
3. Continuous footing
4. Inverted arch footing
5. Spread footing
6. Raft or mat foundation
7. Combined footing
8. Strap or cantilever footing
9. Grillage footing

Deep foundation:- Deep foundations are foundations which transmit the load of the structure of strong soil beds or rock beds available at great depth.
In deep foundation  
                                          D ≥ B      
     D = Depth of foundation
     B = Width of foundation

1. Pile foundation
    a. Bearing pile foundation
    b. Friction pile foundation
2. Caisson/Well foundation
3. Pier foundation

Different element of building:- Element of buildings are classified into two following groups -
1. Substructure 
2. superstructure

 Elements in -
1. Foundation
2. Footing
3. Plinth
1. Walls           4. Roof            7. Stairs                  2. Doors          5. Floor           8. Slab  
3. Window     6. Ventilators   

(NOTE - All images took from Google.)

For complete information watch this video.


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